Monday, June 11, 2007

Hi everydog, my tummy is all better now. I have done lots of sleeping and had lots of cuddles. All your wonderful comments made me feel much better.

Sir Chance-Lot's Mummy made this great picture of me.

I promise to catch up with everyone's blogs tomorrow. Please don't think I've forgotten you.

Simba xxx


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hey Simba, so glad the tum tum is better!

I saw that pcture of Chance's site, took me a minute to spot you on it!

Hey, at least I came back to mum a lot quicker than that Bull Mastiff, hehehe!

Oscar x

Amber-Mae said...

Ahhh! I spotted you! You're sleeping on top of the baby polar bear.. hehehe! cute! I'm glad to hear that you're all fine now.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Goofy said...

Hey, Simba, glad to hear you've got better!!
I took quite sometime to spot you out among the polars!!

Unknown said...

i glad to hear you´ve got better friend...
the photo it´s perfect..
you need a lot of "mimos".
i don´t know in english the traslate of "mimos",

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Simba...
Glad you are feeling all better. Seeing that beautiful picture must have helped. It's so beautiful, isn't it!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Aww I am glad you are feeling better Simba. You look so cozy snugglie peacful with the Nanook's*
Sir C

Peanut said...

Glad you are feeling better. I could hardly see you in that picture.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Simba.
I am so happy to know that you are feeling better.
That is a lovely picture.
Have a nice day

Unknown said...

Where's Simba? Just j/k! I see you. Look soooo angelic. Glad you are feeling better, can we see Simba... King of the Seas tommorrow?


Toby said...

Hey Simba!~

I'm so glad your tummy is on the mend. Keep taking ur meds and get all better really soon, k?

That picture is adorable!!! Of course you're the cutest one in the picture!!


Duke said...

We're so glad you're feeling better Simba! We've missed your posts!

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Glad to hear that you're better now Simba, You sure look cute among the bears.

~ girl girl

Boo Casanova said...

simba, did you forget to tell everyone chiyo and me were there for you too?? i have photo evidence! i was dreaming about you too... we dance!

wet wet licks


T-man Angel said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, Simba. Upset tummies are the worst.

That rug looks comfy. Mom almost bought me one like that but thought I didn't really need it!

Joe Stains said...

We are SO glad to hear that your tummy is feeling better! Chance's Mom makes such nice pictures.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

heard frm boo tat ur not feeling well....

wish u a speedy recovery...

Anonymous said...

that is a cute picture!! but hm... you couldn't squeeze between mummy bear and baby bear huh?

get well fast, so that we can go dancing for real, and not just in Boo's dream!


Bella said...

Hey Simba,
So glad to hear you are feeling better - the picture is gorgeous - so snuggly with the bears.
ps the videos are working now

Simba and Jazzi said...

Oscar, theres always one doggie making our humans say, at least mines not that bad, lol.

Solid gold dancer,the bears didn't seem to notice me.

Goofy, I fit right in, don't I.

Verdi, mimo's, I'll find out what that is and then make sure I get it.

Ruby, it did help.

Sir C, thank you for letting me use the picture.

Peanut, I'm well hidden aren't I.

Lorenza, thank you, I'm all better now.

Tofu, king of the river.

Toby, the polar bears are fairly cute.

Maggie, thats sweet, thank you.

Girl girl you could hide among the bears and we wouldn't see you.

Boo, great of you two to come and see me. I want real dancing it looks like great fun.

T-man, how can you not need a fluffy rug.

Joe, chances Mummy is very clever.

Butchy and Snickers, maybe I was a little bear in a past life.

pacco, thank you, I am all better now.

Chiyo, I'll get my Mummy to teach me salsa, you get your to teach you and off me go.

Bella, oh good, I'll drop by and see the videos.

Simba xxx

Ben & Darling said...

Look at you, sleep peacefully with those polar bear....Im glad that you are feeling better now..and you should rest more together gether with the polar baby.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh Simba I am so pleased you are much better now! And that is a wonderful picture Sir Chance-Lots Mummy made for you, you look so snug there!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Simba,

You blended in really well!


Myeo said...

Hey Simba

The picture is just so sweet.

Boy n Baby