The last couple of days have been hot and sunny here, is it finally summer?
Most days when its not raining Mummy takes me for a walk in the park. I thought I'd share my walk around the park with you.
The first thing I do when I arrive at the park is look for other doggies to play with.

We walk past a football pitch and the little caged in bit where the human puppies are allowed to play.

I have to keep stopping to wait for Mummy to catch up. Why she doesn't run is beyond me.

Then we get to the big oak tree. I wonder how many pee mails have been sent on that tree?

Then we come to the bowling green. Its like a game of fetch for humans.

Doggies aren't allowed in the bowling green. What wouldn't I give to pee on that green grass, sigh.

Then we go across the cricket pitch.

I stop and pee on the cricket pitch, it got to be done! So Mummy , for once, is waiting for me.

Some gardens back onto the park. This mean doggies lives in one. He is always barking at me.

I'm worn out after all that.

But you should always find time to stop and smell the flowers along your way.

Simba x