Saturday, April 19, 2008

I was subjected to water torture over the weekend.

Excuse me! I'm naked here.

How long do I have to stay in here?

Oh hello a sponge, I'll have that.

I wonder how long it can hold its breath?

Oh yer, yer, very funny, make it rain on me with the sponge.

Actually that water tastes nice.

Please can I get out now?

Now apparently I don't smell like a dog any more. What !!?? Are all humans crazy, or is it just mine?

Simba xx

Friday, April 18, 2008

Here are some photos that Mummy took when we were out on the Thames last weekend.

Simba xx

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I made a discovery the other day. All the stuffies my friends have been kind enough to send to me are in a secret drawer. Mummy says this is because I would only rip the stuffing out of them. Her point is??

I decided to play with one of my stuffies for a while. I'll put it back when I'm finished, honest.

A short while later....

What! I have been sleeping here all day and haven't moved. It must have just exploded, lucky no one was hurt.

I don't think I'll be allowed in that drawer again.

Simba xx

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We went out on the boat on Sunday. As I was still cross with Mummy I decided not to allow her to take any cute photo's of me.

Go away I am not talking to you.

I'm ignoring you.

Still not talking to you.

Will you get that camera out of my face!

Talk to the life jacket.

No, not even a treat is going to make me look at you. Well maybe a little bit.

I'm looking at the boat and ignoring you.

I'm looking at the swans and ignoring you.

Oh your sorry are you. I should think so too.

Simba xx

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

That evil Jessica managed to hack into my blog again. I have changed the password so it shouldn't happened again. I chased them back into there hutch.

That's right evil rabbits hide in a corner.

This is more like it, I'm on top to the run, not in it!!

Then I reclaimed by sheepskin. I gave Mummy, puppy evils, to show her how cross I was. Hopefully she got the message and everything will return to normal around here.

Simba xx