Thank you so much.
Last weekend we went to what is probably going to be out last BBQ/ Hog roast. As you can see, it is getting dark early now.
I smiled nicely for the camera and waited for the food to arrive.
It seemed to take forever. I gave them sad puppy dog eyes, food down here please.
Not so fat fat Daddy finally arrived with the food. He won't, be not so ,for long if he eats all that. Thank goodness they have me to help them.
Do you see those sausages? Mummy isn't allowed to eat sausages, that makes them mine, oh two big fat sausages and they were all mine I tell you, mine, muahhhahhahahah!
After all those sausages I needed a nap, luckily they had brought along this cushion. It was a bit hard, but I like the colour.
I can't wait for next summer so the BBQ's and hog roasts can start again.
Simba x