Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mummys camera is broken. I have gone 12 hours without a white light flashing in front of my eyes. She is supposed to be buying a new one this weekend. So now seemed like a good time to do my meme.

1. Your age? 1 year and 2 months
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 12 weeks
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? I don't wear collars.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? Auntie Di, because she looked after me when Mummy was on holiday.
5. How much do you weigh? I don't know
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? a jumper of Mummys, I rarely chew stuff I'm not supposed too.
7. Do you like other Dogs? yes, apart from one poodle who wants to kill me.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? Sky, he is a doggie I sometimes meet on my walks
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Squeaky toys
10. Do you like to be brushed? No!
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese, I've never had peanut butter.
12. Do your people cut your toenails? No, I'd have no legs left.
13. Any formal education? Puppy class. I passed bronze level.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? a bit of both.
15. Five nicknames your people call you. Sims, Simby, puppy.
16. What is your best trick? Begging and giving my paw.
17. Do you like kitties? they are evil and should all die
18. What did you have for breakfast? best of nature dog food
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? I caught a baby rabbit but Mummy made me let it go.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? A couple of weeks ago for my upset tummy.
21. Where do you sleep at night? in bed with Mummy and ff Daddy
22. Do you like to swim? No, I love water but only when my feet reach the bottom.
23. Can you make puppies? No
24. Your favorite place to visit? the seaside
25. Do you give kisses? yes, all the time.
26. Can you potty on command? yes
27. To Cuz or not to Cuz? stupid toys, no

So you don't forget what I look like here I am looking cute.

Simba xxx

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The field I go for a walk in are full of flowers and long grass.

I love to run through the long grass.

The only trouble is I get loads of burrs in my fur. This is todays collection.

Simba xx
Spot the Dog

Can you see where the Cushion ends I begin?

Fat fat Daddy had ice cream and gave me the tub to lick clean. Reaching the bits at the bottom can be really tricky. But I gave it a go.

Simba xx

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I was made to have water torture. As if the bath itself isn't bad enough Mummy thinks its funny to put bubbles on my head

Look at me all wet, I need a good shake.

Get me ooooouuuuutttttt.

Simba xxx

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sorry I haven't been around much, we have had a lot of changes going on here. We decided to sell the campervan and the boat. Hopefully we will now be able to buy a bigger boat that we can sleep on. Mummy's friend is moving into her new home so we have been busy helping her pack and unpack again.
I will hopefully catch up with you all soon.

The good news is, Mummy won't be using her car today so I am ready to pick up a few friends and go for a drive with the wind in our fur.

Simba xx

Monday, June 25, 2007

I use to sleep at the bottom of Mummys and Fat fat Daddys bed. But I felt a little bit left out sleeping down there. So now I sleep here.

I sleep facing Mummy and when she wakes up in the morning we are so close we are almost touching noses. Fat fat Daddy is not so pleased with the end he wakes up facing.

It takes so long for humans to get ready for bed. I'm nearly asleep already.

Simba xx