Friday, May 09, 2008

I was worn out after all the presents, cake and beer. So I cuddled up with Mini Boo for a nap.

I wished whispered sweet nothings to him. "When we wake up I'm going to rip your ears off".

I hope to catch up with everyones blogs very soon.

Simba xx
There is a whole brand new person in our family now.

Meet Mikey.

Mikey is my human brother, Michael's son.

He was born on Saturday 3rd May, weighing 6 lb 8 oz. I can't see any treats in his tiny little hands. I'm going to have to work on that.

Simba xx

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I was also sent gifts from my friends.

Ben and Twinkle sent me this. I hung it up in the kitchen.

Boo sent me a T shirt.

Sparky sent me this card card.

I would also like to say thank you for the ecards and messages I was sent, Thank you everyone.

Here I am modelling my T shirt.

It says "Simba is King", right!?

Simba xx

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mummy and Fat fat Daddy got me presents for my Birthday.

They got me a ball that rolls around and treats fall out, now thats my kind of ball.

A brand new wubba, the last one fall apart, all by itself. (cough, cough)

Treats that you can't eat unless a human takes them out of the packet. Can't blame a dog for trying.

A little yellow duck to take in the bath. Like thats going to make me want to have a bath, pleeessse.

Apples on a rope, I think I'm supposed to climb up them??

The best present of all, a new mini Boo.

Come here mini Boo, let me show you how much I love you.

Here I am with all my present, I love birthdays.

Simba x

Happy 2nd Barkday Simba

Look at my yummy cake and dog beer. could you sing a bit quicker please.

Never mind blowing out the candle, just let me at the cake.

Ok the candle is out, now can I eat it?

I love Birthdays.

Simba xx