Then decide how to serve the Simba. Here are some ideas.
A Simba wrap is always a good choice.
If you are watching your weight, serve the Simba with a side salad.
If you are looking for something quick and tastey, why not try a Simba burger?
Mummy, what are you doing with my blog?
Nothing Simba, nothing.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Across the road from our house there is a wood it has a little stream running through it. After all the rain we have had it is now very deep. Mummy and Fat fat Daddy took me for a walk there the other day.
I tested the water to see how deep it was. Thats too deep for me I'm not going in there.
Only one other to get to the other side, I'll have to jump.
The Simba has landed.
I must have spent too long in the woods, I turned in wolf Simba.
I'm King wolf Simba, I howl at the moon (well grey clouds).
Simba xx
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I met a Jack Russell called Bailey at the park the other day. Fat fat Daddy took some photo's of us playing bitey face together.
We had a great time, I hope I meet him again.
Simba xx
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I received two awards yesterday. How exicting is that?!
First Pippa send me the Be The Blog award.
"This award is presented to a successful blogger, one who can “be the blog” - making it their own, staying with it, interacting with the readers, and just plain having fun."
Thank you so much Pippa. I really do have fun talking to my friends and making new ones through my blog.
I'd like to send this award to ,Chiyo, Asta and Jackson.
Marvin gave me the community blog award.
"The Community Blog Award celebrates people who reach out and make the blogger community a better one. It also underlines the importance of a blog's readership community, one of the most rewarding parts about blogging. It's the people that come back to comment, adding to the conversation, making you feel like someone is listening and interested."
Thank you Marvin, Mummy really must keep on top of the comments, bad Mummy.
I'm giving this award to, Snowy, Ume Tyan and Boo (his chat box works over time)
Thank you again Pippa and Marvin.
Just to prove what mean parents I have here is a video of a game they made up. Its called make Simba run up and down a big hill. Fat fat Daddy stands at the top calling me and Mummy is at the bottom. I had done this about ten times when Mummy took the video. I tried to ignore Mummy, but she kept on calling me. You can give marks out of ten for how mean they are. Ten = really mean and Simba should find a new loving home and one = kind parents. I'm looking for tens.
Simba xx
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I had great fun running through the leaves while out for my walk the other day.
After all the rain we have had it was a bit muddy and Mummy said I had to have my paws washed. I don't see any mud.
How did that get there??
Go ahead, wash them if you must. I may never speak to you again.