A lot of the dogs who's blogs I visit have Cuz toys. Mummy saw how much fun they had with their Cuz toys and when she spotted them in a shop the other day she bought me three of them.

Here they are again, all lined up waiting for a doggie to play with them.

Well that doggie is not going to be me! They are the most stupid toys in the world ever. They do not roll like a ball, they are not as tastey as my keys, and they are not fluffy like, well, fluffies.
Here I am after a long days playing, trying to sleep. Please note, chewed up keys, snowman with bits hanging off and my ball. All played with. Then there are the stupid Cuz toys, all lined up waiting for a doggie to come alone and play with them.

So any doggie out there willing to give a good home to three unused, untouched, unplayed with, stupid boring Cuz toys. Take them.
Simba xx