Daddy and me wore matching T-shirts to the New Years Eve party. Clearly one of us is the real Dogfather [me, me, me] and Daddy is just a dogfather. I hope he realises this. Daddy also thought he was still in Egypt and wore a Tea towel on his head.

I've been tagged by Loui. I have to think of 5 New Year's Resolutions and then tag 5 of my friends.
Ok My resolutions are...
1] To come when Mummy calls me, even though I'm playing in the park and I know she wants to make me go home. [not sure this one will last]
2] Learn to stay still when Mummy brushes my tummy, even though it tickles.
3] Find a girlfriend as beautiful as Miss Chiyo, Gazelle looks nice.
4] I will no long bark at the postman as he brought all the cards from the Christmas card exchange.
5] Learn to drive.
I will now tag, Baily, Snowy, Roo, Chiyo and Tintin, sorry you guys if you have already been tagged.
Simba xx