Thank you both so much. I would to give this award to Boo, because every morning we chat for hours and it really makes my day.
I have been tagged by ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne, I have to answer these questions..
First: "If you could be any Animal, what would you be?
I'd be a fox, because I could kill rabbits (insert evil laugh here)
Second: "If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
In a castle fit for a king.
Third: What is your favorite music?
My favorite music is the stuff my human brothers play in their cars. Because I hear it about five minutes before I see them (its pretty loud) and I get all excited because they are coming to see me.
Finally, what job would you like to have?
I would be an airline pilot. Then I could fly all over the world to see my DWB friends.
I am going to tag, Marvin and Chiyo.
Here is a photo of me looking cute, so you can all admire me over the weekend.

Simba xx