Mummy took me for a walk yesterday. When I came across something I'd never seen before, two men wearing jackets like this.

They looked just like something out of Dr Who, they were carrying a thing called a map. Clearly they were going to kill us all!!!!! I tried to warn Mummy with a bark but she wouldn't listen. I knew better then to hang around, so I ran, oh did I run. I could hear Mummy calling me, but I wasn't going back. I tried to warn her, if the map men were pickling her brain that was her problem.
I ran until I was nearly home, when suddenly someone grabbed me. One of our neighbours, who has obviously seen the map carrying people and was offering me a safe haven.
A few minutes, quiet a few, Mummy turned up, puffing and panting, so unfit that woman. Then she hugged me, I know how she felt we were so lucky to be alive. Then the strangest thing happened, she told me off, she told me off!?
Hadn't I just saved her? Something about never running off like that again, anything could have happened to me [yer the map men could have got me].
Now she says she's not going to tell anyone she named me after the Lion King she's going to tell people she named me after this lion.

She's on her own next time, how ungrateful.
Simba xxx