Sunday, February 08, 2009

Ty Beanie Baby Garfield Stuck on You
£3.25 + pp

Special one of a kind Jazzi stuck on you.


Simba xxx


Mason Dixie said...

How do I get a Jazzi stuck on you? It would look great on my window. =)

the many Bs said...

that's pretty cute. does Jazzi stick on the window too?


Lorenza said...

I prefer the Jazzi version!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, that NSFF Daddy looks nice, is he free too?

Bobby said...

I like the Jazzi version to. I hope you are not trying to get rid of your little sisster.

Abby said...

Hi, Simba...

Are you trying to give Jazzi away??

Abby xxxooo

Eric said...

Heeehee! Is that a buy one get one free offer your promoting Simba?

Wags, Eric xx

Deefor said...

Hi Simba
Jazzi sure is talented. And cute.


Bae Bae said...

I wanna get that special Jazzi

~ Bae

Angel n Miko said...

Jazzi's so cute !!
Btw girls, I just passed on an award to you .
Check out my blog for more details (:

Faya said...

Hahahaha...poor Simba. Are you tired already ?
Kisses, Faya

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Simba,
Jazzi is adorable.. can I have 3 of her please? She'd look great on the HuskeeMOBILE...

Martha said...

Hi Simba
We would like Jazzie - we could stick her to the car window!
Great picture!!!
Martha & Bailey xx

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Simba - how could you!

Pats & pets

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Simba and little princess,

Wow.....Snow...please send me some!!

I want Jazzi but Simba needs to come too. We don't gots no snow here and Jazzi wouldn't have to stay inside. We had a wonderful time yesterday at my Dachshund play date and there were 12 of us here & I which you could have been her. It was for sure a little dog affair.

Simba...Chris & Tina sent me some picturs of ducks. from a trip ti the lake...they got up front & personal. I wonder if you've seen any of the ugly ducks. I'll be doing a post of them in a day or two and I'd like to dedicate it to Simba cause I know how much you like ducks, hee hee.
Can we use some of your duck pictures?

Jazzi looks so cute usiny you as a pillow. What a good brother you are.

Love ya lots...Mona & the Mommy too!!

umekotyan said...

Good evening simba.
Garfield is interesting.
I also have seen Garfield.
Very, I like Itazra.
Of course, I like freedom. :D

from loved ume tyan

Unknown said...

Ahh, I think the stick-on Jazzi is PRICELESS!

(But that doesn't mean you should send me one, Simba!)

Your pal,


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

heheheheh! I'll take the jazzi version.

Snowball said...

Is the Jazzi design still available? Is postage free too? How long will it take to reach me?

I am looking forward to receiving it.


Ruby Bleu said...

Is shipping included? hey, did you see you and Jazzi were featured on yesterday's Sleepy Sunday - W00t!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...

Are you giving her away, man? Cuz, if you ARE, we'll take her. Seriously! My girl loves puggies and she thinks Jazzi would fit right in here in GooberStan (she's got a lot of natural gooberness in her)!

Goob love,

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

I can't believe how cute jazzie is!! Of course you rock Simba! Stay sweet-- I'm gonna read thru the last month or so of you bloggies-- Im trying to play catc up : )


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

my Ma had one of those on her car once............

I think Jazzi should be going to the European Court of Pug Rights at this rate........

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

OMG...that is such a close resemblance of the two! LOL! I'd love to get my hands on one Jazzi *wink*


Joe Stains said...

If you have any takers you can throw in Tanner too.