Monday, May 07, 2007

Hi everydog, thank you all for you Barkday wishes. Today I'm going to show you the presents I got off Mummy and Fat fat Daddy. Tomorrow I'll show you the presents my kind and generous friends sent me.

First though Mummy made me pose with a candle in a yummy cheese bone.
It looked so tastey.

For the love of dog how much longer is this going to take?

Fat fat Daddy, make her give me the biscuit.


Now presents, I got a strange ball that makes noises and some yummy biscuits.

Some chew things that help keep my teeth clean. Is this a joke, what sort of present is that!?

Some pretend sausages on a rope. Thats more like it.

A robe for when I get out of the bath. Ok back to the stupid presents now are we. Have an evil eye look.

My very own cat to kill, now I'm a happy doggie.

The cat lasted one whole day. If CSI are reading this, it was my cat and I could kill if I wanted too.

Simba xxxx


Boo Casanova said...

how come the cat looks so dark like t-man or chelsea? r u sure it's a cat? ah, u can't show us anymore coz u have killed it.

now think of it no wonder u hardly show us your teeth... and your hooman got you something to clean your teeth... now i know!

wet wet licks


Duke said...

Love your bathrobe with the duckie on it! I'm glad it's you wearing it and not me! hehehehe
You got some really nice pressies, Simba!

Love ya lots,

Myeo said...



Btw, Baby has received your parcel. Thank you.

Boy n Baby

Peanut said...

Some of those presents don't sound like presents at all but your very own cat to kill makes it all better.

umekotyan said...

It is a present on the birthday for taking a picture of the cheese
and the candle.
And, chicken's Parker suits well.:)

from loved ume tyan

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Simba, looks like you had a great barkday. All those prezzies!!! Goody for you. You also look quite handsome in your robe, even if there is a duckie on the back!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Simba and Jazzi said...

Boo, do you want to see pic's of the dead cat? Its not pretty, well it was never pretty.

Maggie, some nice presents, some not so nice.

Boy n Baby, glad it got there ok, hope you like it.

Peanut, yer the cat was fun while it lasted.

Ume tyan, it should have been a candle on a cake really.

Ruby, the duckie really finishes it off doesn't it.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw Simba,looks like you had a great birthday. What a great haul of pressies from mum & dad!

Oscar x

Anonymous said...

you got a kitty.....why not make kitty your friend and name the pictures of you, brings back your sweet puppie hood!

Ferndoggle said...

Happy Barkday to you,
Happy Barkday to you,
Happy Barkday King Simba...

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Girasol said...

Nice presents...I love the bath rope!

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Great presents Simba...I love your bathrobe...I'm sure Boo thought it was quite ummmm becoming on you!!!

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Huskee and Hershey said...

Wow... I like your presents Simba, esp the bathrobe with the yellow duckie (I have a soft spot for yellow duckies)..
oh.. poor kitty..

Fu Fu said...

Simba, you got great presents from your parents. Did your rabbits get you any present? You killed the cat already?

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

i hope you didn't forget to take the candle out in your haste to eat the cookie.

is the ball a giggler? :) i have one of that!!

hee don't worry simba, i think CSI are only interseted in hoomans. kill a cat and they won't even notice :p


Simba and Jazzi said...

Oscar, pity its only once a year.

Kay, I did name it, I named it yagoindie, I thought that had a nice ring to it.

Sherman, penny and lola, thank you, great singing.

Girsaol, really? You like it.

Billy, yer little yellow ducks are so me.

Huskee, you leave my little yellow duck alone.

Fufu, rabbits don't have birthdays. They are too stupid.

Butchy and Snickers, really yummy biscuits. The cat did well, Mummys money was on half an hour.

Chiyo, yes its a giggler. I didn't eat the candle. Really CSI don't mind if you kill the odd cat? Cool.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow! Lovely pressies you got from your ma & pa! U got a black CAT too! Kill it! Hehehe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer