Thursday, December 18, 2008

After all the Christmas food Mummy and NSFF Daddy took me for a walk to a place called Clarence park in St Albans. I don't know how they managed to walk so quickly after all that food, I had to run to keep up. I think it was the cold weather that made them move faster.

I thought I'd have a quick sit down, but I nearly slid off the bench. It was all icy and slippery. Mummy and NSFF Daddy thought this was very funny. I could have been hurt!

I met a brown dog, he warned me to keep a look out for alien dogs that had been seen in the park.

I see what he means, gulp!


Boo Casanova said...

ALIEN!!! did the alien do anything untoward to you?

wet wet licks


The WriggleButts said...

I hope the alien dog didn't hurt you?


Duke said...

He doesn't look too friendly to us, Simba! Run!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball said...

That brown dog look like Sparky. Did Sparky move over to your neighbourhood?

That alien do look scary. Is he a spy here?



Abby said...

Hi, Simba...

Oh My...That alien dog looks scary...

You are so brave to walk right up to him...I hope you told him to go back home...

Abby xxxooo

The Musketeers said...

That alien dog look spooky ! Stay away from him alright Simba . BOL ! Which planet is he from ? Mars ? Venus ? Pluto ?

Peanut said...

alien dogs. interesting

Eduardo said...

WHOA! Watch out for that dog!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Thor and Jack said...

Stay away from that alien dog, Simba!
Be safe

Love and licks

Mack said...

Yikes! Maybe he's the ghost of Christmas past or something...

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!!!!!! That alien dog is huge!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Lorenza said...

Hi, Simba!
You had a close encounter with an alien dog!
Glad you are ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Early nomination for the Halloween Scary Eye Contest!

i said...

An alien? You are mighty brave to be standing right there face to face with him!

Joe Stains said...

omdog RUN! I am glad you didn't slip!