We arrived at Cookham island about two and a half hours later. No Regrets was moored up for the night.
While we went sausage hunting.
There was a big tent to eat in so we could escape the rain. It was a proms night, so there was much waving of flags and singing.
Well, if you can't beat them...
Then we headed back outside, where we had a big bonfire to keep us warm.
There was some other dogs there, this one was called Bart, he was old and grumpy.
Some dogs had a bit too much too drink.
But it was a great night.
Simba x
Sausage hunting? That's so fun. I see that you've been drinking Simba. Do drink then drive your boat..
~ Girl girl
I'm sure that whisky was purely medicinal for your paw, right Simba?
Cassidy x
simba, did you get drunk and do something you can't remember?
wet wet licks
Hey Simba,
So you got drunk? That's ok, as long as you don't drink & drive. The Mommy had margaritas at the Hallowiener kickoff.
Love ya...Mona
Hi, Simba...
Sausage hunting sounds like fun...
Looks like you were the life of the pawty...
Abby xxxooo
Wow, that trip looks like a lot of fun. However, where are the smores?!!!
Hugs, Kodak
BOL! Looked like a fun night!!
OoOOh a bark b que, nothing like sausage to make you feel better. Not sure the jacky D would do you any favours though Simba??
Love George
Bart needs to go on a date with Lilly. She is old and grumpy too!
Some dog huh? Looks like you to me.
That looked like a lot of fun!!!
I hope you did not drink too much ! heeheehee
What is proms night?
Purrs Mickey
You look like you had a great time, Simba! Sausage hunting looks like fun! YUM!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Btw, that color looks awesome on you.
Hi, Simba!
Looks like you all had a great night there!
What is a couple of drinks? Nothing!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Simba!
Whoa...loads of sausages! Did you get to eat some of them? Looks like a great night!
Woof Simba
Party on Simba's boat. We'll be there, we'll just teleport right over and bring some of Norman's cheap beer. Hope your paw is doing better.
Woof, woof
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence
Ooh looks like someone had too much to drink there! Sausage hunting sure is fun!
hope u don't get a hangover
Hi Simba,
Those sausages look delicious!! How many did they give you?
Hi Simba
Your photos show that you and your hoomans had a pawsome time. I really enjoy eating sausages too. Mum noticed the bottle of Jack Daniels. When she was young, she used to drink this. It is great you all enjoyed yourselves and being in a natural environment is the bestest. I'm certain Bart was happy too in his own grumpy way.
Love from Hammer
Holy Sausage fest ;) I love me some sausages, that is for sure.
Hey Simba, that grumpy dog looks a little like me when I come home from the stripper! (Hairstripper, that is!) Was he a Cairn terrier too??
YUM sausages.....
Your pal,
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