I have to keep an eye on the flag. You never know when a low flying duck might make off with it.
I have to make sure pirate dogs don't swim across and take over the boat.
I have to keep an eye on where we are going when Fat fat Daddy is distracted.
I keep the flies down by catching them with my tongue.
When we stop, I have to keep stand guard to make sure no ducks or swans land on the boat and steal our lunch.
I have to keep a very close eye on who comes down the stairs, from my secret hiding place.
But mainly I work on looking cute.
Simba xx
Haha, love the last one. Good job!!
slurpy licks,
You sure are very busy Simba. And you catch flies too. That's so brave..
~ Girl girl
Oh boy, that's a lot of work!
You really don't need to work hard at looking cute...you know that right?
Lots of Licks, ruby
Yep, it looks a hard life being boating doggy!
Hi, Simba...
I don't know how they would get along without you...Good thing they take you with them...
You don't have to work that hard at being cute, though...It kind of comes naturally to you...
Abby xxxooo
Hey my love,
Ya don't have to work hard on looking cute...your always cute.
Such responsibility for such a litle dog but I can tell your up to the job.
Love ya Mona
wow.. good job, simba..
mom and i love your last photo the most!!
Crikey Simba,
You're one busy crew member matie. No wonder you get so tired.
You should try sunbaking and drinking pawtinis on deck instead.
Hugs and tail wags
Gee Simba,you have a vert important job!!! It's a good thing your folks have you !!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are well rewarded for your work!!
Purrs Mickey
You always look cute...I see that you have a big job at the boat...I bet you got a big lunch or something good.
oooh! the handsome pic works just right for me!
i hope you are not flirting around while we have a off time.
wet wet licks
uwaaa... love ur secret hiding placee.... looks comfy
Awww, you're certainly doing a good job at it!
Boy your people get you working hard Simba. I didn't see a sausage payment?
Love 'n' Snuffs
It's a hard life for you for sure...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That's a lot ofwowk..luckily you don't have to wowk on that last on..it just happens..have a gweat time
smoochie kisses
Your boat ride looks like lots of fun! You do a very good job at protecting it. I like your secret hiding place!
Hugs, Kodak
Dang, sounds like you never really get any rest. Boating sounds hard. too hard.
Man, it must be a tough job to look after a boat! But I think the most important job is definitely looking cute.
How do you find time to get it all done? That is a lot of very important work!
Yup, you've got one tough job, Simba! What a life!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOW - I never dreamed boating was so complicated!!
You must be the first mate or something equally as important, huh?
Hi, Simba!
Just looking at all the things you have to do on the boat I got tired!
You work really hard!
Kisses and hugs
And cute you are, Simba. Hey....I like to catch flies too! You always make me and my mom smile, by the way....
That DOES look like hard work. I hope you are sufficiently highly paid! J x
the best work is to make sure pirate dogs don´t atack the boat..
simba,, friend, you have a grate weekens...
you are a lucky dog...
that is just to much work.
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