Walking on the logs.....
...falling off the logs.
A doggie with two sticks.
Excuse me doggie, please may I have one of your sticks?
Hello big doggie.
Where is he going?
Help, help, doggie stuck in the water.
Don't worry I'll save you.
Oh c**p, that water really is deep. Help!
Faster then a speeding bullet, super Simba .
What do you mean I have short legs like Boo?
Watch it big doggie, you don't scare me.
Simba xx
excuse me simba, when u r the shortest among all, PLEASE DO NOT DRAG ME IN THE CONVERSATION!
wet wet licks
Mistress wants those Ridgebacks NOW. Please do not show them again.
Your eyes are popping out in that last photo Simba!
Toodle pip
Harry x
You showed those biggies who's boss!
haha, interesting photos! you sure stand out from the other big doggies.
Amber :)
Wow we didn't realize how athletic you really are.
You are a super hero for tyring to help that doggie - Mommy loves the fact that she is not the only one who has a white dog who gets super dirty!
Simba, you sure do like to get dirty , your name should of been for that ridgeback, doesnt it mean lion and that is what ridgebacks were meant to hunt!!
You are so brave Simba! Those big dogs were sure lucky to have you around!
Ozzie & Rocky
You've very brave to play with the big doggies, Simba! That looks like fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're one tuff little dude, Simba. Way to hang with the big dogs.
Simba! My mama almost fainted when she saw you in the mud video!! Oi Oi Oi I wish we have mud like that here! Way to go Simba you are fabulous.
I lurve yer stories of da great wood! Ima soo glad you saved dat big dog! You are king! *snorT* Le Mops
Hahaha! You tell 'em!
Looks like you had lots of fun playing with the big dogs!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hi, Simba!
Looks like you had fun with those big dogs!
Good job trying to save him!
Kisses and hugs
Woh there's so many big doggies there. You're so brave to want to save that big dog
~ Girl girl
you sure are brave, I would never go in that water!! BUT I would totally fight that big doggy!
Hi Simba,
You must show them who is the King of th Jungle (or in your case, woods!)
You look very busy having fun!
Boy n Baby
Hi Simba
You sure are brave playing with those big dogs. I like playing in the mud too.
Love from Hammer
You sure stand up to all the BIG doggies!
Looks like you had a fun walk, Simba! One doggie had BIG sticks! :D
Momo & Pinot
wat a great day to be out at the woods meeting so many big doggie...
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