I made puppy dog eyes at him, so he'd share. Nothing!

I tried sitting closer and giving him the puppy dog eyes. nothing!

I got even closer, he has a heart of stone I was doing my very best puppy dog eyes here. I guess he didn't get to be Fat fat Daddy by sharing his food.

I decided it was every dog for himself and even Fat fat Daddy can only get one end of the sandwich in his mouth. So I ate the other end.

You have no idea how good that tasted. I was only thinking of Fat fat Daddy's waist line.
Simba xx
Hi Simba
I don't understand how your fat daddy could be so mean. My mum shares all her food with us. She can't resist us. I think you need to take your fat daddy aside and have a serious bark with him. You are absolutely irresistible too, Simba.
Love from Hammer
The sacrifices we make for our humans!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
BLT sandwiches are the best!! I like your.
I like your strategy to get a piece of that delicious sandwich.
err... simba, r u purposely put up ffdaddy's BELLY pics to punish him for not sharing? lol
well, at least u stole the other end!
wet wet licks
Simba, how good of you to help your fat fat daddy out like that. I might have to try that with my mom. She is always saying how she needs to lose weight.
The only reason I don't eat mistress's food right off the plate is because I am a kind dog. I know it's really mine. That BLT was really yours.
Simba eats the sandwich together delicious.
Division of happiness each other, and good doing. :)
from loved ume tyan
did you get the bread, the bacon or the lettuce?? i hope it's the bacon! hee hee
why is your daddy eating lying down? just to spite you? what was your mommy eating then? simba salad?
Smart move, Simba. Since the hoomans dunno how to read your body language, you just have to go for what you are after.
you awe a vewy cawing doggie to watch out fow Fat Daddi's health like that..I suwe hope he appwecaites it
smoochie kisses
ooo... begging for a bite needs to much hardwork...
you are so nice Simba by just sitting till the last bit, if is me....l'll just grab and run and then said sorry.....(yet to try tis trick)
OMG, that BLT looked sooooooooo good! We're so glad ffdaddy gave in and shared with you! Bless him!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Simba!
I miss you lots!
let them know that captaining a boat is a hard job that makes you hungry and demand for a whole sandwich too!
next time, make a grab on the sandwich once it's unwrapped.. give them the element of surprise..
Oh My DoG...Penny just told me the B in a BLT is BACON!! No wonder that's your favorite sandwich.
Simba you are soooo funnnnay!
hi simba...
your made your better puppy dog eyes and FFD didn´t gave nothing?????
wowwwwwwwww this is terrible..
your puppy dog eyes are the best thay I seen..
a big hug
You are such a "selfless" Simba!
Fat Fat Daddy will be all the bettter for the loss of part of sandwich!
love n licks, Marv xxxxx
Hey Simbas, thanks for sniffin' bys. With you in the boats, it reminds me of my mum afters her eye surgerys... a pirates!
You're so luckys... playin' Cap'n Jacks and eatin' BLTs. Can't gets much better than thats.
Yes keep watching the daddys health ..sometimes humans doesn't know how to themselves
Hi Simba,
That look would melt anyone !!!
Quick thinking though to grab a sandwich end before it disappeared!!
Your Dad is really mean. But I guess we should always be proactive and help ourselves if the hoomans don't do anything. *sigh* We always need to do everything on our own.
Simba! You are too funny. I hope your dad isn't to upset with you.
You so are worried about the health of your dad, Simba! You´re a good dog!
Love and licks
Simba, our great minds must think alike. I do the same thing. My Daddy is fat-fat too and he could do without a meal here and there. But does he share?? NO!! Mom tells him not to give me any cuz he doens't know what I can eat and what I can't. Whatever. I think daddy is just being mean.
Does your Daddy know you have named him Fat Fat?
Hi, Simba
Glad you were successful getting the end of that sandwich!
Great pictures of you and your Dad!
Have a good night
Hey Simba! Smart thinking there ;)
That's what I call saving the best for last, Simba! Food to your waist then his, right? How thoughtful of you!
That was nice of you to help with the diet! Maxy loves bacon too! He recently found out about biscuits an gravy for breakfast and devoured them!
So sweet of you to help your dad with his waist line.
Boy n Baby
BLT is my dad's most favorite sandwich too. should I warn him that if he eats too many he will end up a fat fat daddy too.
Oh.. that's really mean of your daddy not to share food with you after you gave him the sad puppy eyes. I would share with you Simba
~ Girl girl
Wow FFD sure has some nerve being able to refuse that little face!!
It sure takes alot of effort for you to make your ff daddy give you a small piece of sandwich. I don't have to do like you. All I have to do is just stare at my hooman's bowl, drool a bit & pop! It goes into my mouth, hehehe! Easy eh?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
simba, WHERE R U?
do i need to call the CSI team over?? i hope you are not chaining yourself at the rabbit hutch!
wet wet licks
Simba, that's so kind of you to try to help your Daddy to not be so Fat Fat! We always try to help our Momma too ;)
Hi Simba
Pleased to meet another UK dog blogger. Good work with the sandwich, I nearly got my paws on a tuna fish sarni in the office the other day, but it was snatched away at the last second - too bad eh....
Charlie Boy
I think you should write a book titled, "THE SIMBA DIET"...
it worked for that Atkins dude!
~ChaCHi LU
What does BLT stand for? Begging Lost in Translation? Bite your Lunch Today? Bark Lunch This way? Whatever it stands for it looks delicious and I'm glad you finally stole some from your FFD! He was totally hogging it!
Wiley & Fievel
Simba Boy!
Fat Fat Daddy has no idea how lucky he is to have you watching out for him. I say you may need to get a little more aggressive in your care for him.
Someone has to save him from himself!
Goober love,
Every dog for himself...so THAT'S the phrase to describe those humans. From now on, I have to be Jemma for herself! I'm glad you got to taste the BLT from the other end.
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