The party is still on for Friday, bond girls and 007 please step forward.
I will hopefully be visiting all your blogs tomorrow.
While I was bored at home I found a comfy spot in the kitchen and did this a lot.

I also had mini Boo to keep me company.

Simba xx
Glad you are back, Simba! Boo will be ecstatic. Hee.
I'm still looking for a right dress for your pawty. Hopefully I can find it before Friday. *Excited*
Oh Simba I am sooooo pleased you are back moving amongst us once more, I was quite worried.
I will continue my long walk to your house now, ready for the James Bond Pawty.
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
Ohhh Simba you are back! We all missed you much! What kind of booze will you have at the pawty?
There you are!!! I was worried that you had dug a hole under the garden fence and gone back to your old house!!
See you Friday at the party!
Loui xx
Good to see you again. We lost the internet connection for a while too, when we were in Osoyoos. But now we're back and I can blog once again. =)
We missed you! I hate when we have technology problems!
simba is back! simba is back! simba is back! yipee! i'm so glad to see you again. i thought you were kidnapped by those evil rabbits or coming to see me that's why you couldn't get online or or or i don't wanna know anymore!
you must show me your new hair cut. i got mine groomed last saturday. you saw my pics rite? i look so slim and stylish now. LOL
i'm all ready for this friday's pawty. i'm sure i don't need any costume coz i can go with my new hair cut!
looking forward to chat with you later.
wet wet licks
Simbie!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad you're back! i was wondering if you had so much fun at the park you ran off with the dogs or something. bad internet. did jessica and roger chew on the wires or something?
pawty... james bond huh. i think that's unfair. guys getting surrounded by girls. it should be the other way round.
I cant makeout where the rug ends and where you are !!
Have a great pawty!Mommy loves Daniel Craig.She said HOT!HOT!HOT!
Simba - You look so sad with that mini Boo. I bet the real Boo would make you smile :)
Simba, you're back. *hugs* You sure found a comfy spot to get cozy. Can I snuggle with you on your sheepskin rug during friday's pawty?
~ Girl girl
Hi, Simba.
I missed you a lot! Glad you are back! I know about bad internet connections! I hope it won't happen again.
You always look adorable with your mini Boo!
Have a good night
There you are!! I think most of the DWB'ers were going nutso wondering where you went!! Great to see you back! Hopefully the internet will hold up this time.
You are back finally. Our connection is not stable too. Its keep on & I will blog if the line is good.
I will be going to the bond bond pawty this friday. Keep some gals for me ya.
simba we are glad you posted some dogs were really getting worried! we can't wait until your party!
Whew so glad silly internet connection was the reason for you being missing.
I've got a new bond girl dress to wear to the pawty - can't wait !!
So glad you are back :)
I want to come to the James bond pawty! do we need to be in pawstume?
We're about to send a search pawty for you! good thing you're back!
Hey Simba,
Welcome back..I hope your internet doesn't go crazy again. We missed you! :)
it seems difficult to distinguish u from d bedding...
simba friend...
the last photo is so pretty ein,, with your minibo juaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
We are anciosos by the feast of espias in your garden of Friday.. We are going to go the two, pledged.
Hi Simba,
Whew.. you are back! I can assure you that your Boo was missing you like crazy! =)
Mum told me I'm going to a pawty on Sunday for a doggy but didn't tell me who it's for - maybe she means your kennel warming!!!
Looks like you've found another hiding place on that rug - I could hardly see you there!!
Stupid internet for not working. Glad it was only the internet and not anything else.
Haha! I knew it was your internet connection which caused your sudden disappearance coz I know you're a dog who would just disappear like that, kekeke! Soooo glad you're back. Booie missed you sooo terrible! He thought he would never see you again. I hope nothing will happen to your internet connection again...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I meant to say that you are NOT the type of dog who would just disappear for nothing & without telling us...heeheehee!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'd like to come to your pawty if I can find the wight dwess...hmmmm this will take some thinking
smoochie kisses
We were without our internet for 24 hours! It stunk bigtime! What's going on??!! Glad you're back and we're glad we're back!
Love ya lots,
Simba, you are back! Your BBM Boo has been 'irritating me' everyday by asking me, where's Simba, where's Simba..haha
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