Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hi everyone, this is my last post until the New Year. The humans are off to Eygpt [fog allowing] and I'm off to stay with friends. We'll be away for a week. I have done a slide show of photo's of me.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I'll be back in the New Year.

Simba xx


Ferndoggle said...

Have a safe trip, Simba's People!

And don't worry Simba. Our people always come back for us!

Lola the White Boxer

Isabella said...

We'll miss you Simba! Hope you have a great holiday and your humans have a fun and safe trip.
Festive Wags,
5 more days till Santa.

Boo Casanova said...

WHAT? HOW DARE YOU!!! simba, i'm gonna miss you lot!!! no cutie simba pics for the next 9 days is killing me!

ok, i'm keeping all the gals that i can find during this period!

ha! you are reading my blog. hehehe.

i hope you have a nice nice nice nice x'mas. tell your hooman to be good while in eygpt.

wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

we'll miss you! have a great holiday, Simba and family!

Sunshade said...

My mum is so envious of your hoomans.... X-mas in Egypt? Sounds so exotic!

I hope you have a good time at your friend's house too and I'll be waiting for you to come back!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Myeo said...

We hope that you will have alot of fun while you are at your friend's place. We sure will miss you Simba..

Oh, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Boy n Baby

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hey Simba,

have fun on your holiday but make sure that you make the humans feel guilty when they leave you and when they return.

Work it boy, work it.

Chow 'til 2007,

Tin Tin xo

umekotyan said...

It is happy, and a little until Christmas.
The appearance held by the mama is very lovely.

From loved ume tyan

Freda said...

Hi Simba,

Enjoys your visit and holidays with your friends. That's so means that you can't go with your humans, but I think they are smarts not to take you. You're gonna have more fun anyway.

Eygpt, WOW! My dad wanted to become an Egyptologist when he was a humans puppy but become a zoologist instead. Guess he liked the livin' over the deads.

Hope all of you have a great time and a wonderful holiday season.

Miss ya, Simba.


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Merry Christmas Simba, to you and your family - I hope 2007 is full of lots of bones and treats :-)


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Have a lovely Christmas Simba, take care, speak in the New Year.

Hope your Hooooomans take off ok to Eygpt, Stoooooopid Fog! Silly Heathrow International Airport!

Hope they too have a Wonderful Christmas, love and many licks Marvin

Jeanniexxxxxxxx thanks for your friendship!

Toby said...

Merry Christmas Simba & Family!~


Huskee and Hershey said...

Dear Simba and family,
Wishing you a joyous Christmas full of pressies!!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Have fun!

Have a very merry x-mas guys!

Bussie Kissies

Fu Fu said...

Merry xmas to you Simba. ;)

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

merry christmas simba!! :) hope your mom and dad have loads of fun in egypt. and i hope they miss you loads too hee hee... i'm sure you 'll have fun too at your friend's place. maybe you guys can stay up and watch a movie or something. or maybe play computer games like some boys do :)


Justin said...

A furry christmas to you Simba..

Hope u are njoying a lot!!!!

Boo Casanova said...

counting down for my dear simba to be back: 6 days.

have a merry merry x'mas and boxing day.

wet wet licks


T-man Angel said...

Ooh, Egypt sounds so exotic to me!! I hope your humans are having fun :)

By the way, you should delete Justin's comment. If you click on his link it might mess up your website.

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Hey Simba...are you back yet??

Come on, we want to know what you got up to on your "holiday"!!

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Loui xx

Huskee and Hershey said...

wow... Egypt sounds like a lot of fun!! Don't forget to get them to posy some pics!!
HAPPY 2007 to you and your hoomans!!