Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just for Boo, here is a photo of my poorly paw.

There was no shaving needed. As you can see one of my stitches has started to come undone, I have no idea how that happened, cough, cough. But the other one is still all tied up. Mummy isn't worried that the stitch has come undone as they were due to be taken out today, but the vet was too busy to fit me until Saturday.

Mummy is trying to get me to keep my feet dry. So far I have managed to jump into a puddle and the bath. Its a great game hehe.

Simba x


Asta said...

A big healing smoochie kiss fow youw cutie paw


Woof, Simba

Take care of that paw, buddy. And milk it for all it's worth. Maybe you'll get extra treats.

Desert Pups

Jemma Chihuahua said...

OH NO, Simba! We were too busy to visit blogs lately and first thing I see when I get back is that you hurt your paw?!! Ouch, it looks painful, but good thing it's well on its way to healing!

Take care of yourself!


Abby said...

Hi, Simba...

I can't imagine how that stitch "fell" out...

You sure do keep your Mom busy...

Abby xxxooo

the many Bs said...

hi Simba, your paw is looking good. maybe if you wait a little longer you can get the rest of the stiches to fall out and you won't have to go back to the vet. hee hee


Unknown said...

you have a message in our blog to you...
a big hug

Mickey's Musings said...

Paw kisses!!!!!!
I'm glad your paw is better. Now you can look for more puddles ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey

well this sucks said...

NOT to be creepy, but I like your paw. Itt's so fuzzy.

If we were in a close distance to you, I'd run over and give your paw a healing kiss. I guess I'll do it in your dream. Not to be a creeper again. I have good intentions!

Duke said...

Only one more day to go and you're free to do whatever you please, Simba!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

I´m glad that your paw is healing well! Take care of yourself!

Love and licks

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hope your paw's feeling much better, and the stitches will hold until Saturday! Take care...


Lorenza said...

Hi, Simba!
I hope your paw is doing well!
The stitches look ouchie!
Keep it dry and it will heal sooner!
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova said...

hmm... i see thread but i see no wound! that's great news! it means it's healing alrighty!

tell mommy, you can help her save the vet trip. u know how!

wet wet licks


Huskee and Hershey said...

Mom almost fainted when she saw it.. She is a real 'chicken' when it comes to wounds and injuries and bloody stuff.. Heehee..
Looks to me like your paw is healing beautifully.

Juno said...

Congratulations on your award!! We LOVE your blog!! :)

Sorry to learn about your paw. Oh no.... it must hurt. We hope you're feeling better.

Momo & Pinot

Myeo said...

Get well soon, Simba!

Boy n Baby

i said...

Glad to know your paw is healing well, Simba!

Have a good weekend now!

Amber-Mae said...

Oooh, I hope it will be taken out gently this Saturday.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh... I hope the vet gives your paw the all clear soon

~ Girl girl

Snowy and Crystal said...

we hope you feel better soon buddy

wet licks

Maltese Paws