Friday, March 06, 2009

If I have to share the sheepskin and NSFF Daddy its only fair that I get to have a nap in Jazzi's little bed.

No evil Mummy I am not way too big for the little bed. Although I may need a hand to get out of here.

Have a great weekend everyone . Mummy would like to say a huge thank you for all your support on her race, especially those of you who have sponsored her. If you would like to sponsor Mummy or find out more about the race for life, here are the links.

Simba and Jazzi

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hello DWBer's the humans have been busy once again. NSFF Daddy now has a new job and Mummy has had a lot of negative stuff to deal with. But we are back now and have missed you all and are really looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Despite all the stuff that has been going there, we always find time for a nap around here.

Mummy has decided she needs to do something positive so she is doing this..

If any of you would like to sponsor her you can do it here.