Mummy felt bad about taking me out in the hail in a little T shirt. So she bought me this new coat. Its warm and water proof.

Ok lets lose the hood. Lucky the hood unzips.

I have been tagged by Mona to do the book thing.
(1.) Grab a book of 123 pages or more. ( 2.) Open to page 123. (3.) Find the first 5 sentences & write them down. (4.) Then invite 5 friends to do the same.
The book is, Remember me? It is written by Sophie Kinsella.
We were all listening on speakerphone and I thought I'd die of laughter. Still smiling, I slide the photo back into the pocket and snap the briefcase shut. I pick it up and regard myself in the mirror. Boss lady goes to work."Hi," I say to my reflection, trying to adopt a businesslike tone.
Now who to tag, so many of you have been tagged already. I'll tag Boo and if any one else wants to be tagged, tell them it was me.
Simba xx