Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mummy and fat fat Daddy took me to a place called Simonshyde wood. It looked like a fun place to run around.

Come on fat fat Daddy you can get through this little gap.

Oi, come back, its not my fault you two are too fat to fit.

I could give Chiyo jumping lessons. I jumped up here all by myself. Fat fat Daddy is trying to get in my photo again. Get out the way, only super stars allowed.

I'm king of Simonshyde.

Simba xx


Boo Casanova said...

i shall be the QUEEN then.

well simba, you are not that thin yourself. LOL

wet wet licks


Duke said...

Your daddy doesn't look that fat fat to me!
The Simonshyde woods is so pretty! Those are great pictures!

Love ya lots,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Simba,
You really are living up to your reputation as Simba the King!!
(Hmmmm.. your daddy really doesn't look fat to me..)

Girasol said...

Simba king of the woods!

Unknown said...

a grate.. woods.. ein..
your are the king in all sites..

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oh look so regal sitting up the tree!

Simbas mum: My mum takes me to Potters Bar too. She says this is getting spooky as we seem to know the same places! Do you see the lovely Italian lady in Groom Arts??

Loui and his mum xx

Simba and Jazzi said...

Queen Boo, that has a nice ring to it.

Maggie, its a good camera angel.

Huskee, my kingdom is growing.

Girasol, king of the woods, thats me.

Verdi, I am king of all I see.

Loui, its a wonder we don't bump into each other.

Simba xx

PreciOus said...

Hi Simba!

Long live the King!

All these lovely places' names are really hard to pronounce. I'm getting tongue-tied. *Giggle*


Peanut said...

That place looks like fun. I can't beleive fat fat daddy couldn't keep up with you.

A&S said...

they should change the name to SIMBASHYDE, that's a much better name, especially when you are the King!

Akira & Shiro

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i love the last pic of u posing under the magnificient tree...

ur d simba king!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

What I love about you Simba, is your total dominance of your Blog.

I must take lessons from you, my Jeannie is getting far too prominent in mine!

Lovely pics!

love and licks Marvinx xxxx

Frasier said...

Hi Simba,
were there any elves?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Simba
You are making honour to you name in that last picture!

Thor and Jack said...

I don´t think your daddy fat fat! You are making king pose in the tree. You are the king in all the places.

ChaChi Lu said...

You look like you are on PRIDE ROCK! It is the circle of life! Hakuna Matata!

~ChaChi Lu and JET

i said...

You sure are living up to your name oh Simba King! ;-) Love the last pic!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


You look very much like a king in that tree and we salute liik like a king for sure.

Why do you call fat fat Daddy fat?
he don't look so fat to us.

Should we start calling you Your Highness??

BTW...Jacks is back & he is A OK.

Love....Mona, Jacks, Toby and Evander too!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


You look very much like a king in that tree and we salute liik like a king for sure.

Why do you call fat fat Daddy fat?
he don't look so fat to us.

Should we start calling you Your Highness??

BTW...Jacks is back & he is A OK.

Love....Mona, Jacks, Toby and Evander too!!

Joe Stains said...

you should have had FFDaddy jump up there with you if he wanted to be in that photo.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh, you sure look very grand up there Simba. :)

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! This place looks sun to run around off-leash. Oh, you're soo mean to your hoomans. It's ok! I'm mean to mine too, harharhar!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Bella said...

Simba King - looks like there are lots of leaves in the forest on your walk - I love to play & run through the leaves - how about you?

Asta said...

You awe the doubt about it!
Did you go scwuch in the fall leaves??? I love the photo of you on the twee with the gween undewneath
smoochie kisses

Myeo said...

Simba, you really climb that tree all by yourself?

Boy n Baby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Simba, I almost feel sorry for FFDaddy. Maybe you can make him Prince of your realm. J x

Chewie said...

You are King Arthur!!! Those woods are magical! you're so lucky *snort*
Chewie & Le Mops (he send licks--I'll keep him from biting your tail!)