Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm king of the lake.

Now I'm in the lake.

Is that a fish? Here fishy fishy.

Oh no, my legs have shrunk.

Simba xx


Unknown said...

in the water ??? ufffffffff
and them what happened??'
you were in the car with your mom???
the water was cool¿?¿


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Simba, Looks nippy in there! I try and avoid water at all costs! It's too cold and then you get all clean. What's the point in that? J x

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Looks like fun. Much more water than my stream. I heard a rumour I might be gouing to the beach on Monday!!!

Oscar x

Boo Casanova said...


see, shorty like you will disappear in the lake if you don't watch out.

u know, i'm starting to regret for nominating you...

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae said...

Hey Simba!

Hmmm...why you don't dare to go into the water? I mean swim far away? I'm a brave girl & I dare to go far far away...I guess you're not MAN enuf to do so huh? Teeeheeeheee...

Licky Licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

Verdi, yes the water was cold. I wasmade to sit on a towel in the car.

Jackson, why do thet insist on cleaning us?

Oscar, the beach, you lucky thing.

Boo, the water shrunk me I was way bigger before. I think its sweet you nominated me. Thank you.

Amber, I've never swam far away, maybe if the water was warmer.

Simba xx

Duke said...

Be careful that swan doesn't swan-nap you! You're in his territory!

Love ya lots,

Snowy and Crystal said...

Simba - you always do and go to fun and interesting places :D
we especially LOVED the last pic. It happens to us too when we go to the water. LOL Mommy calls us "maltese with chicken legs" hehe

woofs and puppy arfs,

Snowy & crystal

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

It looks like you have a beautiful place where you are. I think the water is too cold to go in right now, I'll stay on dry land for awhile until it warms up!

Hugs Billy Boo:)

umekotyan said...

Simba fears the pond.
It is a water morbid fear. :)

From loved ume tyan

Ben & Darling said...

WOw, Simba. You seems to have many outing recently hah?? Good....mayb I should move to your place.

Myeo said...

Did you try to swim in the lake?

Boy n Baby

Peanut said...

How do you go in that water? Do you like it? I hate the water. You are very brave.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Maggie, I hadn't thought of that.

Snowy and Crystal, your Mummy is as mean as mine.

Billy, you're right it is cold.

Ume tyan, I'm alright as long as the water isn't too deep.

Ben, yer, come and live with me.

boy and baby, too cold for swimming.

Peanut, how can you hate water, its all wet and fun.

Simba xx

Bella said...

Simba -
What a beautiful spot you live in.
I love the water too & I love to chase the ball into the water but then sometimes it's hard to pick up & mummy laughs says I look like I'm dunking for apples !!

Paw Power

Simba and Jazzi said...

Bella, there are some lovely places to go for walks around here. I bet you look funny dunking for the ball.

Simba xx

Simba and Jazzi said...
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